New road service between the airport and the centre of Bologna. Read more

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Marconi Express: night road service is available

29 November 2022

Marconi Express has activated the “Marconi Express 940” night road service. The service provides a link between the Marconi airport and the central train station for the passengers departing with the first flights in the morning or landing with the last flights at night.

The service provides two journeys from Marconi Airport to the central station in via Carracci, with departures at 1:15 a.m and 4:30 a.m.; from the central station in via Carracci to the airport, journeys at 0:42 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. Transfers last 25-30 minutes. The service stops at Lazzaretto station (via Terracini).

From the Marconi airport to the central train station

  • Marconi airport (ground floor at the arrivals exit): 1:15 a.m.
  • Lazzaretto Station (Terracini Road): 1:33 a.m.
  • Central train station (Carracci Road): 1:40 a.m.
  • Marconi airport (ground floor at the arrivals exit): 4:30 a.m.
  • Lazzaretto Station (Terracini Road): 4:48 a.m.
  • Central train station (Carracci Road): 4:55 a.m.

From central train station to the Marconi airport

  • Central train station (Carracci Road): 0:42 a.m.
  • Lazzaretto Station (Terracini Road): 0:50 a.m.
  • Marconi airport: 1:12 a.m.
  • Central train station (Carracci Road): 4:00 a.m.
  • Lazzaretto Station (Terracini Road): 4:08 a.m.
  • Marconi airport: 4:30 a.m.

Prices and purchase methods for the “Marconi Express 940” tickets are the same as for the monorail service.

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Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
C.F. e P.IVA 02997301201
Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna