Bus service between the airport and the city centre. Read more

Bologna 18°C


  1. Travel tickets
  2. On the platform
  3. Access to the shuttles
  4. During the trip
  5. Use of elevators and escalators
  6. Other Obligations and Prohibitions
  7. In case of emergency
  8. Customers with disabilities
  9. Luggage transport
  10. Transport of animals
  11. Large groups
  12. Inspection and Sanctions
  13. Complaints
  14. Privacy and protection of personal data

Passengers of the Marconi Express service are required to comply with these rules and the provisions displayed in the stations and on the shuttles, and available on the MEX and TPER websites, in order to contribute to maintaining the necessary safety conditions and regularity of the service. They must also comply with the instructions and provisions of TPER and its staff. The space of the “Marconi Express” is subject to the regulations provided for by the provisions issued by the Management and by the applicable municipal, regional and state provisions.

PLEASE NOTE: in case of use of the local public transport network, refer to the specific rules posted on the vehicles and available on the website www.tper.it.

1. Travel tickets

The service is accessed with a valid travel ticket, to be validated at the entrance and exit gates in the station, to be kept throughout the journey up to the exit from the station, and to be shown to the staff in charge of inspections on their request. It is also possible to access the turnstiles directly by using contactless credit cards, which must be placed close to the appropriate reader at the access and exit gates. If the validation by credit card does not take place also at the exit turnstile, the fare for the complete route will be applied. To purchase tickets, use the station automatic ticket machines, authorized resellers, online ticketing or the dedicated apps. Children up to and including 4 years old travel for free. Pushchairs and baby carriages can be transported free of charge. For more information, see the appropriate rate table or the websites www.tper.it and www.marconiexpress.it.

2. On the Platform

Transit through the stations must take place without hindering the movement of other travellers. Passengers must take the necessary precautions to ensure, as much as they can, their own safety and security and that of the people and animals in their custody. Access to the platforms takes place through the gates operated by the travel tickets. Before accessing a gate, check the signs that indicate whether it is an entrance or an exit (green light = access allowed; red light = access prohibited); Children traveling for free must be held in your arms to pass through the gate. Before and during the validation of the travel ticket, do not occupy the transit gate with luggage, bags, etc. After validation, do not stall or stop inside the gate.
For reasons related exclusively to emergency situations, passengers can request the intervention of staff by contacting the operations centre via the intercoms (SOS buttons) on the platform.


  1. It is forbidden to force the passage affected by a possible malfunction.
  2. It is forbidden to place hands on the gate doors.
  3. It is forbidden to throw objects of any kind on the tracks, in the stations and on the equipment.
  4. With the exception of emergency or danger, it is forbidden to activate the alarm devices and the commands for the emergency opening of the platform doors, the release buttons for the exit gates, the emergency switches for disconnecting the contact lines, and any other emergency device installed in the stations and highlighted as such, including the emergency intercom.
  5. Access to the station premises reserved for staff and in general to all areas not open to the public is prohibited.
  6. It is forbidden to go beyond the platform doors when the train is not in the station.
  7. It is forbidden to go beyond the safety gates at the end of the platform or the platform gates and meander along the line.
  8. It is forbidden to stay inside the stations after the end of the service has been announced.
  9. It is forbidden to damage, soil, remove, and tamper with station equipment.
  10. It is forbidden to use, without authorisation, the electricity sockets on the mezzanines or on the platform.
  11. Smoking is prohibited on the shuttles and in all station areas, including the outdoor platforms.
  12. 12. It is forbidden to move by bicycle, on roller skates or on similar devices (skateboard, hoverboard, etc.).

3. Access to the shuttles

The opening of both station and shuttle doors is automatic and does not have to be requested in any way. Each door of the shuttles and station platforms is enabled for both getting on and off. Passengers waiting to board the vehicles must position themselves to the side of the entrance doors so as not to hinder the passengers’ disembarking. Inside the shuttles, the air is automatically conditioned. For any need, passengers can request staff intervention by contacting the operations centre via the intercom present on the vehicles.


  1. It is forbidden to lean on the platform doors and try to obstruct their closing.
  2. It is forbidden to cross the platform or shuttle doors while the optical acoustic closing signal is being emitted and to encumber the entrance and exit doors unnecessarily.
  3. It is forbidden to try to get on the shuttles when the vehicle is already full.
  4. It is forbidden to get on and off the shuttles or place objects or parts of the body between the doors of the shuttles and / or the platform doors after the activation of the acoustic signal indicating that the doors are closing.
  5. It is forbidden to get on and off the shuttles before they have come to a full stop.
  6. It is forbidden to get on and off the car from parts other than those prescribed and in locations other than those established for the stops, except in emergency conditions.

4. During the trip

The service is carried out in an automated way; the driving of the shuttles is automatic and is always monitored by the command and control centre. There is no staff on board during the journey, except for specific needs. On board the vehicle, the pushchair / baby carriage must be placed in such a way as not to hinder other passengers, with the brakes tightened and must be held in place by the accompanying adult. Staying inside the shuttle is only allowed for the one way trip.

Obligations and Prohibitions

  1. It is forbidden to obstruct the performance of the service in any way.
  2. With the exception of an emergency or danger, it is forbidden to activate the alarm devices and the commands for the emergency opening of the shuttle doors, and any other emergency device installed on the shuttles and highlighted as such.
  3. It is forbidden to lean out of or protrude any object or part of the body from the windows of the shuttles.
  4. It is forbidden to enter the driving cabs of the shuttles.
  5. It is forbidden to lean on the doors of the shuttles and on the platform doors.
  6. During the trip, it is mandatory to hold on to the special supports or sit in the seats.
  7. At the terminus stations (Central Station and Airport) it is mandatory for passengers to get off the shuttles, taking care not to leave luggage and other objects on board the shuttle.
  8. Smoking is prohibited on the shuttles.

5. Use of elevators and escalators


All passengers using the service have free access to the elevators and in particular passengers with wheelchairs, for whom it is not possible to use the other access routes (stairs and escalators). The elevators are controlled directly by the users. In case of fire they stop after completing the ride and reopening the doors. The following obligations are also to be complied with:

  1. Comply with the maximum number of people allowed in the vehicle and the permitted load limit.
  2. Use the alarm button only in cases of actual need, communicating the reason to the service personnel via the internal intercom.
  3. Do not obstruct the doors.
  4. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
  5. Do not rest your hands on the elevator doors.


All passengers who use the Marconi Express have free access to the escalators, with the exception of passengers traveling with pushchairs and wheelchairs, for whom the use of elevators have been provided to move from one floor to another. The user of the escalator must behave in such a way as to avoid harm to himself and to third parties. To improve the overall usability of the system, we invite you to occupy the right side of the steps when standing on the escalator.

Obligations and Prohibitions

  1. It is mandatory to hold on to the appropriate handrails.
  2. It is mandatory to carry children on one’s arms or hold them by the hand.
  3. It is mandatory to carry dogs on one’s arms. Guide dogs for blind people, declared suitable for transit on the escalator by specific institutions or schools recognised by the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired are an exception; the guide dog accompanying the blind person must also be covered by third-party insurance for transit on escalators or moving walkways.
  4. It is mandatory to pay attention to long dresses and shoes with heels.
  5. It is forbidden to activate the stop devices except in case of actual and urgent need.
  6. It is forbidden to transport bicycles, with the exception of folding bicycles (whose dimensions cannot exceed 100×80 cm), bulky packages, and trolleys.
  7. It is forbidden to get on the vehicle with open pushchairs and baby carriages.
  8. It is forbidden to get on the vehicle barefoot.
  9. It is forbidden to sit on the steps.
  10. It is forbidden to set down umbrellas and/or walking sticks.
  11. It is forbidden to rub and/or place your feet on the balustrade or the front of the steps.
  12. It is forbidden to get on the escalator and walk in the direction opposite to the direction of travel.

6. Other Obligations and Prohibitions

  1. It is forbidden to distract the staff on duty from their duties.
  2. Behaviours that could jeopardise your own safety and that of others, as well as annoying other passengers (for example: jumping or sitting on the gates, occupying more than one seat on the shuttles) are prohibited.
  3. It is forbidden to shout, speak loudly on the phone or in any case have an improper attitude that could disturb other travellers. The use of radios and other portable audio reproduction devices is prohibited, unless they are used with the appropriate earphones.
  4. It is forbidden to bring to the station and on the shuttles: weapons (with the exception of authorised persons), flammable products, corrosive substances, objects that are potentially dangerous for other passengers (for example with sharp or pointed edges) or that may cause disturbance or damage to other passengers.
  5. It is forbidden to travel in a state of drunkenness or intoxication.
  6. It is forbidden to enter barefoot or in conditions such as to compromise the safety or regularity of the service, or such as to provoke protests from other passengers.
  7. It is forbidden to bivouac and eat meals on the shuttles and in all station areas.
  8. It is forbidden to throw waste except in the special containers especially installed inside the stations.
  9. The activities of selling, begging, leafleting also for charity purposes, propaganda, photography and cinematography for professional purposes, writing and/or putting up posters or playbills are not allowed; Any authorisation must be requested in advance from the TPER Management.
  10. Unauthorised sale of travel tickets is prohibited.

7. In case of emergency

Sound the alarm in case of emergency or danger

On the shuttles:

Whether they are moving or stationary, operate the appropriate alarm handle, bearing in mind that the shuttle, if it is moving, won’t stop until the first station is reached; the passenger who activated the alarm signal is required to provide the intervening personnel with the reason for the operation. In case of need, it is possible to contact TPER staff through the special SOS intercoms present on board the shuttles. In the event of an alarm, all passengers are asked to remain calm and to listen and follow the instructions that will be broadcast via the intercom or loudspeakers.

In the stations:

At the platforms of each of the stations (Aeroporto, Lazzaretto and Bologna Centrale FS) there are red emergency columns on which there are 3 (three) distinct alarm buttons with the following functions:

  1. SOS button: it allows you to operate the SOS intercom in order to communicate with the operations centre (OCC). It must be activated to report any anomaly/emergency situation that passengers intend to report to the operations centre.
  2. Fire emergency button: it must be activated only in the event of a real fire emergency to signal any onset of fires that may affect the safety of passengers present or the movement of shuttles. Pressing the button affects the regularity of the movement of the Marconi Express system shuttles. ANY ABUSE MAY RESULT IN SANCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE IMPROPERLY ACTIVATED THE ALARM.
  3. Emergency stop button: it must be activated only in the event of a real emergency linked to the movement of the shuttles or to the door opening/closing system that could compromise the safety of passengers present or the safety of those who circulate on board the shuttles. Pressing the button affects the regularity of the movement of the Marconi Express system shuttles. ANY ABUSE MAY RESULT IN SANCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE IMPROPERLY ACTIVATED THE ALARM

Evacuation of shuttles

The operating instructions that must be followed for the evacuation of a train stopped along the line are posted inside all the shuttles and illustrate the operation of the emergency door opening devices and how to get off the shuttles, both in case a platform or service walkways are present or in case they are absent. If it is necessary to evacuate a train stopped along the line, the following provisions and warnings must be complied with:

  • Always follow the instructions provided by the staff, either directly and/or through sound announcements.
  • In the absence of conditions of imminent danger, always wait for the intervention of the service staff that will open the vehicle doors, provide the appropriate information and accompany passengers to the nearest safe place.

Evacuation of stations

In the presence of emergency conditions that require the rapid evacuation of a station, one must follow the instructions and indications provided by the staff, directly or through audible announcements, and the instructions posted in all stations. All stations are equipped with a sound and visual alarm system on the platforms and mezzanines, which is activated when a station needs to be evacuated.

The activation of this alarm involves the opening of all access and exit gates from the station. In case of evacuation:

  • Follow the emergency signs using all accessible stairs, including mobile ones, up to the outside of the station;ì
  • Use all gates, including emergency ones where present, equipped with panic bars;
  • Do not use the elevators;
  • Access to tunnels and tracks is allowed only on the recommendation of the service staff.

8. Customers with disabilities

The service is accessible to customers with disabilities. Access to the platforms and vehicles at the Aeroporto (Airport) and Stazione Centrale (Central Station) stops and in the Lazzaretto Station takes place through paths without architectural barriers, also thanks to the use of lifts, tactile paths for the blind, with the aid of information panels and sound announcements. Access on board the vehicle is allowed for both hand-operated wheelchairs and wheelchairs powered by an electric motor, within the size limits allowed by the vehicle. Each vehicle is equipped with suitable equipment for Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) to accommodate only one traveller in a wheelchair, and therefore for each convoy only one passenger with a wheelchair is allowed, who is required to access the vehicle only through the doors indicated with the appropriate pictogram. To access the service, the PRM must use the totem placed before accessing the gates of the Train Station and Airport stops. The totem has a button that will allow you to communicate your presence to the Tper personnel responsible for accompanying and assisting the PRMs on board vehicles.

Once on board, the passenger in a wheelchair is required to secure the wheelchair, with the help of the Tper companion, to the safety devices on the vehicle, whose position is indicated by the appropriate pictogram, and keep the wheelchair brake activated until arriving at destination.

9. Luggage transport

Two pieces of luggage per passenger can be transported free of charge, each not exceeding 80x50x50 cm. Carrying dangerous, bulky materials or objects that in any way cause annoyance to the other passengers is not allowed. Baggage must not obstruct the passage of travellers or endanger their safety. It is forbidden to leave your luggage or objects unattended even for short periods of time on the shuttles and in all areas of the station. With particular reference to the Aeroporto (Airport) station, it is forbidden to bring into or leave the airport luggage trolleys in the stations and shuttles.

10. Transport of animals

The transport of animals that are not a source of disturbance or danger, equipped with special tools (leash, muzzle, small cages or carriers) to prevent harm to other passengers is allowed. The owner is responsible for the conduct of the animals transported, and for any damage caused by them. The person responsible for their conduct must promptly remove any of the animals’ droppings.

11. Large groups

During the trip, school groups or groups of small children must be accompanied by an adult in each of the two cabins of the shuttle. Large groups, school groups and organised groups must pay particular attention when getting on and off the shuttles. The accompanying persons must distribute the group members evenly on all the platform doors, so as to allow them to board properly. In case of special needs, the accompanying persons can request the stuff for assistance by using the station intercoms.

12. Inspection and Sanctions

D.P.R. (Presidential Decree) 753/80 is applicable. In case of absence of the travel ticket, a penalty of a minimum of fifty and a maximum of two hundred times the ordinary rate in force, relating to the first tariff zone of the urban area of ​​Bologna, will be applied, quantified by referring to art. 40 of the Emilia-Romagna Region Law no. 30/1998 and subsequent amendments. The staff responsible for checking travel tickets has the qualification of Public Official, and is authorised to ascertain and make formal notice of the violations due to lack of travel tickets, as well as of the other violations pertaining public transport contained in Presidential Decree 753/1980. Passengers are required to declare, at the request of such personnel, their personal details, and to show an identity document. Any refusal is punishable by law.

13. Complaints

For complaints relating to any problems, you can contact TPER, using the form at https://solweb.tper.it/web/communications/talk-with-us.aspx, selecting Marconi Express as the complaint category.

14. Privacy and protection of personal data

As part of and for the purposes of providing Marconi Express transport, Tper may process personal data of its passengers and users. More information on the personal data processing policies implemented by Tper is available at the following links:

  1. https://www.tper.it/peoplemoverinfo for PRIVACY POLICY – video surveillance and localisation
  2. https://www.tper.it/peoplemoverinfo2 for PRIVACY POLICY – Purchase of travel tickets and related assistance services

The owner Tper S.p.a. and its personal data protection officer are available for any information and clarification. To this end you can write

  • An email to: privacy@tper.it
  • Send the request to the headquarters of the Data Controller: Tper S.p.a., Via Saliceto 3, Bologna.
Marconi Express S.P.A. | Capitale Sociale versato € 8.000.000 |
C.F. e P.IVA 02997301201
Numero iscrizione registro imprese 02997301201 R.E.A. Bologna 483571
Sede legale: Via M. Emilio Lepido 182/2 - 40132 Bologna
